Amazing CSS Animated Button Code

Amazing CSS Animated Button Code

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you enter a website and its button’s design and animations makes you say ‘Woahhh’? If you ask us, we have been in that situation quite a lot. People can feel the same when they enter your website with just a little...
Material Design Cards For Bootstrap

Material Design Cards For Bootstrap

One of the mostly used designs nowadays is a material design. Material design is the design language that helps user to understand the design very quickly. Material design is the expanded version of cards that uses various effects including the animations, responsive...
16+ Best Free Responsive Canvas Menu

16+ Best Free Responsive Canvas Menu

You, who have been a designer for this many times, already knows what “menu” defines for, don’t you? But we obviously need to say what “canvas menu” is. Sometimes when you have larger number of functioning with your application, the menu bar cannot just hold all of...

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