20+ React UI Layout Components Libraries

20+ React UI Layout Components Libraries

Designers spend hours of their work time on planning and finding the layout that would strike to viewers at a single glance. There are hundred of UI components at disposal for amazing UI layout and choosing a single react native library for that isn’t an easy...
10+ Best jQuery Grid Plugin for Web Designer

10+ Best jQuery Grid Plugin for Web Designer

jQuery Grid plugin help web designers to organize and present their contents in grids. Grid consists of table like rows and columns of contents. The contents may be text or images. Most grid layouts can be seen in photo gallery websites such as Instagram and...
10+ Best Free Bootstrap Editors and Builders

10+ Best Free Bootstrap Editors and Builders

Bootstrap has come a long way as a front-end framework since its dawn in 2011. Bootstrap is now in stable version 3 and beta version 4. The beta version of Bootstrap 4 was released on August, 2017 and is being developed to a stable one. Bootstrap is widely popular...

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